Courageous healing through relationship is our best hope for growth & change.

Individual, Couple, & Family Therapy and Training

Individual, Couple, & Family Therapy and Training

 Looking for:

Growth and healing for yourself and your loved ones?

Professional CEU Training that increases treatment options?


 Looking for:

Growth and healing for yourself and your loved ones?

Professional CEU Training that increases treatment options?

SIFHR Invites you to experience...


individual, couple, and Family therapy

SIFHR's goal is to help you heal and improve your well being and relationships.            

Our specialty is relationship work; although we also see many individuals who are wanting to understand themselves and their relationships better.  We are interested in promoting healing and forgiveness especially after traumatic life experiences, working through problems that face all of us across the lifespan, and promoting awareness of mind/body/spirit connections.  Relationships can be made stronger, more connected and whole, by talking openly to each other.  It helps to allow emotions to surface and be expressed directly. Try the honest work of conflict and forgiveness resolution that are central to the life-long process of people living their relationships to the fullest (and less like robots!).  We are also incorporating energy work into our therapy for those who are interested (or curious!).

Special Areas of Interest and Clinical Expertise

Dealing with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression for Individuals, Couples and Families

Conflict Resolution & Improvement of Coping Skills & Communication

Understanding and Voicing Your Truth To Yourself and To Others

Healing and Living Well After Traumatic Life Experiences and Grief

Infidelity, Broken Hearts, and Estrangement in Couples of All Kinds

Medical Family Therapy

Eating Disorders and Compulsions of Every Day Living

Relational Mindfulness

Integration of Energy Work in Therapy:  The Healing Circuit Method


Social Justice and Issues of Power in Relationships

Continuing Education Workshops for Professionals AND NONPROFESSIONALS (hUMAN LIFE LEARNERS)

We are a New York State certified provider of Continuing Education for Mental Health Providers.  We are planning some new courses for 2019 that are not quite ready yet.  Join our mailing list to get timely information and cool deals!

Each day comes and asks a question of us: How will we respond to our challenges, especially in our relationships with others at home and at work?   In SIFHR's workshops and training the focus is to help each person come away energized and more aware of ways they can effectively meet the challenges in their clinical practice, creating positive personal and professional change and increased confidence and well-being.   

Current Deals

We will be soon running a FREE Stress and Relationships online class for both professionals and nonprofessional life learners.  Stay tuned!

A goof proof therapy promise

We appreciate that it takes courage to acknowledge when you could use some help, and even more to begin to reach out and look for a therapist.  Congratulations on making it this far!  SIFHR has one primary therapist on staff, Suzanne Haas-Cunningham, Ph.D.  

Therapy is similar to other relationships.  Sometimes you have to give it a try and ask a few questions to determine if the fit is right for you.  You can contact Suzanne and ask her questions about therapy and how she runs her sessions.  You might try it out and decide this is a good fit for you...or not.   Speak up! It's most important that you feel comfortable and that you get the help you need. If you decide after the first session that the therapy is not right for you, we will refund the money you paid for the first session. Let's try this!

About Dr. Suzanne Haas-Cunningham


Over 25 years of Experience Practicing, Individual, Couple and Family therapy

Suzanne M. Haas-Cunningham, Ph.D. began SIFHR in 2007 with the dream of bringing all of her passions for relationship growth to one place.  Suzanne is first and foremost a family therapist and a relationship healer.  She believes we are here to learn how to love each other better, to resolve our differences more directly and fairly, and to learn how to use relationship skills in repairing the loneliness, hurt, confusion, and losses suffered in living this life.  


Teacher, Trainer, Supervisor

      Before starting SIFHR, Suzanne was a full time professor/teacher/trainer in the Marriage and Family Therapy Program at Syracuse University from 1999 to 2007.  She has regularly conducted workshops and programs for healers and interested life learners ever since.  

       Suzanne also has worked as a family therapist and supervisor for other programs in the Central New York area:  Centre Syracuse Eating Disorder Clinic, The Family  Medicine/Family Therapy Program, The Violence Intervention Program of Syracuse, Aids Community Resource, PHP Behavioral Health, and HFC.



Support Staff

Cooper and Magic, our awesome Australian Shepard brother duo, are the welcoming committee and providers of comic relief.  It's hard not to feel better when they're around!


Why Therapy?

Take Action To Improve Your Mental Health, Your Well-being, & Relationships


Can you be your best self with those you love the most?  Daily struggles, stress, and competing needs are a part of life. How are you dealing with stress, depression, and anxiety? Improve your coping skills, your communication, and your ability to solve problems more directly.  You're worth it!


Traumatic Life Experiences, Addictions & Compulsions


Has something happened to you that has altered the way you respond to life, how you think and feel, or whether you can trust others in the world you live in?  What is the purpose of the things you do that distract you from feeling your human emotions and being present in relationships with yourself and others? Find ways to deal with your traumatic life events and move towards empowering yourself today.



Have life stressors and distractions become detrimental to your relationships?  Relationship counseling can be beneficial to couples and families who are looking to strengthen their emotional connection and solve problems more effectively. Therapy is a supportive place to discuss issues and find solutions to improve your relationships in all stages of life.  Let's figure out a way to unhook, be present, and communicate with those you care most about.

Contact Us

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We're Here for You

Let's get started!

Please contact us with questions, your hopes, and what you need most right now.

Syracuse Institute For Healing Relationships

Liverpool, New York, United States

(315) 409-3311
Call or email for an appointment